Representing Morialta in the State Parliament.

UniSA campus in Magill
The Government has said formal consultation on the future of the land at UniSA’s Magill campus will start in the first half of this year. It could be any day now, and it will be important for local residents to make their voices heard if we are to create any willingness from Government to prioritise our local interests and concerns.
Hard copy of the petition is available from my office – you can drop in to sign or pick some up, or we can mail it out to you. You can also register your interest through this link:

Save the SA Museum
10,000 signatures on this petition will force a public Parliamentary Enquiry to take place. The State Opposition believes that this, combined with such a show of commitment from the community, will very likely force the Government to take a step back from their plans.
Our call is for the Malinauskas Labor Government to:
return the budget, which was taken away,
cancel the restructure of research and collections which is seeing so many leading scientific researchers’ jobs being removed, and
withdraw the Board’s plans for a ‘re-imagined’ South Australian Museum, which we are led to believe will see some of our favourite galleries removed for good.

Hi, I’m John Gardner. Your State Member of Parliament representing the seat of Morialta since 2010.
I am proud to say that I have deep roots in the community, and have long been dedicated to serving it. Among my many commitments, I am always active with several community organisations in Morialta. To learn more about me, click below.
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